This workshop focuses on generating real-world impacts from your research. This highly interactive session will give you the opportunity to learn and practice using new tools to increase the significance and reach your impact. The training is based on the latest research evidence and takes a unique relational approach to deliver lasting impacts.
This workshop will examine the “Tricks of the trade” with insights from funding panels to increase your success rates, and integrating impact into a case for support without compromising the research. We will focus on two contrasting examples that have integrated impact into their case for support, identifying which of the two is best and why.
Find out how you can become significantly more productive as a researcher in a fraction of your current working day. Rather than learning (yet more) time management techniques, you will learn new ways of thinking that will reframe your relationship with work.
In this workshop, you will learn how to use tools to plan policy impacts more effectively and efficiently, and have the opportunity to discuss the merits of informing versus influencing policy.
This workshop will give you a unique opportunity to reflect on your digital profile, considering ways to build visibility and credibility for your research and drive impact online. We take a critical look at the power and pitfalls of various online platforms and social media, enabling you to become more effective and influential online whilst minimizing risks to your time, reputation and mental health.
In this session, you will discover how you can transform your working environment and create a culture everyone can belong in. We will be able to discuss practical ideas and creative ways of thinking to re-motivate and inspire you, building on what works and adapting what doesn't, to create your own culture with your closest colleagues.
During this course you will discover new ways to view personal health and become a more resilient researcher. We will address the key cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle and help yourself to become significantly more productive as a researcher, whilst finding a more authentic version of you. Rather than learning about health fads, you will learn practices and lifehacks that will slot into your busy schedule and start you on a road to achieving whole health.
This session is focused on the tools you need to design and facilitate partnership meetings and workshops with stakeholders that are easy to facilitate, efficient and enjoyable generate and communicate real-world impacts from your research. You will learn how to grow your confidence and effectiveness as a facilitator, which you will be able to use immediately to take your meetings and workshops to a new level.